About the Program
Titus 2 Partnership, Inc.’s life recovery program focuses on spiritual development, addiction education, as well as life transformation for women through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Recovery students, are immersed in Biblical studies, psychoeducation, and life skills training from a Christian perspective. Daily intensive instruction will allow students to accomplish the course of study in a timely manner and move into transitional status, employed and continuing in discipleship and mentoring until they are firmly established in their new Christian identity and lifestyle.
To be considered for Titus 2 Partnership, Inc.’s residential life recovery program, you must call, email, or text to request an application. After the initial contact the application will be sent by email, or letter. Contact Program Manager, Cathy Byrd at (850) 832-4052 or cathybyrd1212@hotmail.com. Applicants should explain why they believe a Christian faithbased program is the best recovery program for them.
Transformational life recovery is a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live work-ordered and self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential. This process values hope, empowerment, self-motivation, and healing. A recovery focus signals a shift in expectations for those seeking help and for those assisting them. A life recovery approach to change and healing from addictive behavior and other life-limiting dysfunctions addresses mental health and cooperative effort among communities, providers, families and other stake holders to infuse a recovery focus into behavioral health. Recovery support services help people enter into and navigate systems of care, remove barriers to recovery, stay engaged in the recovery process, and live full lives in communities of their choice.
Spiritual Formation/Discipleship Components
- Daily morning devotional
- The Relationship Principles of Jesus
- Journaling
- Personal Bible reading recording/review
- Search for Significance Class
- How to Study the Bible Instruction
- Women of the Bible Class
- Wednesday night church Bible study
- Sunday worship and study
- Self Study Bible lessons
- Mentor/mentee relationship with volunteers
- History of the Church DVD curriculum
- Ministry in service to the community
Addiction Recovery / Chemical Dependence Components
- Power to Choose 12 Step Study
- Weekly Recovery Fellowship Meeting
- Abortion Grief Recovery counseling available
- Relapse Prevention Self Study and Counseling
- Co-Dependency Self Study- Untangling Relationships
- Self esteem class
- Group discussion sessions
- Domestic violence education
- Aftercare outreach
Life Skills/Self Care Components
- Boundaries Class
- Overcoming Anger/Resolving Conflict
- Effective Parenting in a Defective World
- Fire Prevention/Safety instruction
- Physical health and wellbeing instruction
- Scheduled Recreation/Group Activities
- Communication Skills and Emotional Intelligence
- Relationships & Romance Discussion Group
- Love, Sex, and Dating video curriculum
- Children/family visitation and reconciliation
- Home and Self Care (covers issues of hoarding, order in personal space, time management, food handling, personal finances, etc)
Vocational Education / Job Readiness Components
- Job skills and work readiness
- GED classes/tutoring
- State Identification/License reinstatement
- Resume development/interviewing skills
- Pursue resolution of legal issues
- Computer skill development
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